Standard Components

CTO UI already comes with predefined components so you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time! You will find here a list of these components and a note on how they work.

Input / Output

CTO UI makes your life easy by offering a component system specifically designed for plug-ins requiring only one input and one output. All of theses components can be accessed by importing the IO object.


As its name suggests, it allows you to have a text area for your plugin. Moreover, depending on whether you name it input or output, it will affect the direction arrow (which must be in the middle).


The key view is a simple counter that helps define a numeric key for your algorithm. It's particularly useful in algorithm such as Caesar, Railfence, etc.

Composable views

Unlike HTML, CTO UI allows only a shallow description of the desired UI. To create nested views and create a hierarchy, you will need to use composable views. Composable views are normal views that accept other views as arguments.

As they are normal views, you will be able to access the subviews via the value property.


The Options view allows you to create a tabbed fieldset with individual or multiple views inside.


// Other views
options: Options({
name: AnyView, // Will create a new tab and place `AnyView` inside.
otherName: {
sub1: AnyView, // Will create a new tab and place the two views inside.
sub2: AnyView

Low level views

These views are made to be very basic, so that complex UIs can be built on solid foundations. They are mostly unique HTML elements in forms, but they should be able to cover all the needs of a classical plugin.


The Boolean view is a single checkbox with a label. It doesn't require any options, and can be used in composable views, like option tabs.


The Textfield is a single textfield that can be used to enter any text. It doesn't require any options, and can be used in composable views, like option tabs.